Quote of the day!!!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Confession of a Shoppaholic - Nice movie!!!

“What defines me is you and your mum” – confession of the shoppaholic!!!!

Hee this movie super nice, I feel that the creativity producer is very creative to use the “live” action of those mannequins to bring out scenes of the movie especially to bring out the inside world of those who love shopping!

Ha, l think for those who love shopping and buying, mannequins, clothes and accessories do have the “luring hand sign” and “buy me voices” that was being featured in this movie. Hee!!!

And also, some lines of the script were really touching and real!!! Hee goose bump on me when the above said!!!

U can laugh, u can be amazed, and u can be sad; u can be touched and can be really “into” the show!!!!

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