Quote of the day!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crow bully Toadie

Wake up to have a raining morning greeting me…
As usual I reach the bus stop..
Ho ho….
Found a dry spot to sit down…

Heard crow and toad’s voice behind me..
I turned my head lah…
Oh gosh, saw the toad jumping down the green patch to a spot near my seat…
Ha, I jumped up and walked away..
So malu, ha ha……

It’s a tiny little toad..
Croaking away..
Then saw the Mr Crow bully the Toadie leh….
Ha think Mr Crow wanna Little Toad for breakfast lah..
Alamak.. didn’t bring my camera to capture these moment..
So funny…

Toad was like waiting lor…
It stay alert BUT no movement…
Mr crow was flying round and round the bus stop area..
So tupid……あたまがわるい。。。
Then it fly in again…….
Little Toadie jumped off the pavement onto the road…
Ha Mr crow had his chance…
Little Toadie more tupid….
He fly on top of the Toadie, round and round again!!!!!
Toadie jumped here and there like mad..

Then ar.. Mr Crow also stopped by Toadie’s side..
A car came driving pass…
Mr Crow walked away..So clever ar…  あたまがすこしいいです。
Can know the car is coming..
Finally real chance came by……..

Ha he keep poking and peking at the Toadie lor……..
So poor little thingie….
Toadie was like “siam & siam” then reached the pavement corner…
“siam” until cannot “siam” lor..

Then my bus came……..さて バスはきた。。
Chay and the tupid Mr Crow fly away..

Ai ya bus come so early…わたしのバス とてもに はやくきた。。。
No ending man……..ha

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