Quote of the day!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sheraton Tower Hotel - High Tea

Hee just on the tot of that the place is sooooooooooooooo nice………
I went to Sheraton Tower Hotel for the high tea buffet…
"The Dinning Room" - ダイニング ルンム
Ha but turn out the place is real nice..

Ha ok ok lah…
Presentation wise is still nice lor..
But I think Mariott would be nicer..

But the place is really nice.. でも ホテルの ダイニング ルンムは すばらしい。。。
Cos I sit the near to the Window Pane near the Man Made Garden with water fall…
Sooooooooooooo nice…… Ha….
Service there is alright..
People are kind and smiley…ウエイトレス と ウエイタア しんせつだ。。。
Chef are also friendly de… りょうりんいんも しんせつだ。。

But the food other wise…  たべものは すこし まずいですね。。。

Fancy me thinking only the Laska & the Fried Carrot Cake are nicest among all..
Their variety is actually not so muchie..
I think they served too mush of those cooked, fried food..
Not so applicable for high tea right?
Too much and heavy for high tea…
Should call it lunchie liao.. Ha.

Cos i tot high tea would mean having more of those pastries and sweet delicacies..
But their pastries are more of can see BUT not so nice to eat de.. Ha…..
たべること すばらしくない。。
I love this!!!
But here de not smooth enough de..
Ha.. The waffle not nice at all...
My mei mei say like Roti Prata smell!!!

Love berries of all kindsss....
Took all those berries on those cakes!!!

Went to their Toilet...
Of course... もちろん!!
Ha soooooooo Nice.. とても すばらしい。。。。
Nobody inside at that moment...だれも おてあらいに いた。。
Sooooooo took pictures... しゃしんを どった。。
Lots of them. たくさん。。。

A bit disappointed lah…
But not too expensive though… でも たかくない
So still ok ok! ままです
But No More 2nd Time….

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